For many years, I have dreamed of creating a center specifically dedicated to showing visitors around the spiritual universe.

To let them try the beautiful and loving energies of the universe

on their own body.

Through massage, healing, sound therapy, music, lectures, dance, and spiritual ceremonies.

A temple filled with what wonderfully - stimulates our senses in a wonderful way. Show them that energies affect us - our everyday lives, take us along and change us.

If we open up and let ourselves be led.

We are loved by the universe.

The vision Is to create the ​optimal framework in relation to the message that is conveyed So the guests, the artists, and the staff experience how we have put our dreams to the test.

Right here in the beautiful and loving the Bali universe.

Among the smiling Balinese with the magical energies and warm hearts


must be an integral part of the local population, for the benefit and the joy of both parties.

We are guests who respect and integrate into relationships with our hosts - honor their Traditions - Religions The whole center is carefully balanced in relation to our wishes and the island's beautiful Hindu tradition

Dreams for 2027

The center has now been operating for almost 3 years, and we have become an integral part of each other. Us travelers who have come here with our dreams, the employees, and as well as our neighbors.

The staff now works under contract term- a fixed number of hours - days off - holidays - pay during illness all have health insurance that also applies to their next kind.

We have hired students -

at the hotel - in the restaurant- in the park,

and service staff.

Our in-house medical clinic also offers free medical care to families and our neighbors.

We try to employ the

locals in all the jobs they have competence for.

Own employees are offered further training and positions of responsibility.

The profits from the

park are distributed by

a temple council, among

the staff and locals.

The park's drinking water from our own waterworks and the environmentally conscious renovation is available to everyone in the local area.

There has been a

constant stream of

events - with local and international artists - events - treatments and exhibitions - all with good experiences and success.

The event group has been adjusted and is planning the the next 5 years' events ​ Everyone in the temple park has become an integral part of the beautiful and inspiring dreams of 2020 for the future.